Daya Rang Daneh produces a fully range and basket of complementary additives with the PET based masterbaches of different grades. For more details please refer to the technical data sheets.

At the present, using masterbaches in Daya Rang Daneh are as follows:

Optical Brighteners (powder and masterbach forms):

  1. this material is used in the fiber manufacturing for more lightness and whiteness purposes.
  2. white masterbach (dioxide titanium), this material used as a whiteness and element and translucent applications in the fiber industry, and, in the plastic industry is used for suffuses purposes.
  3. PET based color mastaerbach: as noted above, for coloring of polymers functions, and receiving to the purposed color, it is used in the polyester staple fiber industries. Polyester fiber is also used for carpeting, covering surfaces, roof and applications in the car market.
  4. black masterbach: as its name, this masterbach used for the black color products and purposes. It should be noted that this masterbach, plies an important role in the industries in general, and particularly in the black polyester applications.